

Supporting Our Community

Chuck and Eddie’s is very active in our community. We’re proud of our involvement in many worth-while programs.

We also donate very generously to various local and regional organizations. We supply cars to local fire and rescue departments which allows them to practice first responder techniques and to train new recruits.

These are just a few examples of the good work that’s done here at Chuck and Eddie’s. It’s not just about selling auto parts! It’s about being an active part of our community both locally AND globally.

Students from The St. Bernadette School in New Haven CT. were happy with our participation in their "Touch a Truck" Fund Raiser held in June of 2017.

We were happy to provide a cash donation as well as a display of junk vehicles and our tow trucks. Everyone seemed to enjoy the event but not as much as we did!

A note of "Thanks" received from recipients of our Thanksgiving Turkey donations.

“Please accept our deepest gratitude for your very generous donations of turkeys!

Your gift met an immediate need that we were not sure we would be able to meet.

Three Vernon (CT) agencies were recipients of the turkeys you donated; The Tri-Town Shelter, The Tri-Town Pantry and the Cornerstone Soup Kitchen.

On behalf of these agencies and the hundreds of residents that will be served, we thank you!

From The ALS Assoc. Connecticut Chapter

“Because of your generosity, Judy has ramps and safety rails at home. William has care planning visits from trained Social Workers. Tom has wheelchair accessible rides. Susan is able to take a break from caregiving when she needs it. Frank joins in support group meetings close to his home and online.

Every ALS patient in CT has access to the ALS Certified Center of Excellents at the Hospital for Special Care in New Britain CT.

Thanks to you, people’s lives are better.

A letter from Xavier High School Memorial Scholarship Fund

“Because of your generosity, Judy has ramps and safety rails at home. William has care planning visits from trained Social Workers. Tom has wheelchair accessible rides. Susan is able to take a break from caregiving when she needs it. Frank joins in support group meetings close to his home and online.

Every ALS patient in CT has access to the ALS Certified Center of Excellents at the Hospital for Special Care in New Britain CT.

Thanks to you, people’s lives are better.

A letter from Xavier High School Memorial Scholarship Fund

Chuck and Eddie’s has participated in Southington Fire Department Educational Programs for many years. We provide cars and our locations for them to teach new recruits how to deal with burning vehicles.

Chuck and Eddie’s is proud to take an active role in our community.

Southington Fire Department Educational Programs

Easter Seals Vocational Rehab Program

Pictured is Chuck and Eddie’s President, Roxanne Ackerson accepting the “Employer of the Year” Award from Easter Seals Executive Director, Dr. Allen Gouse.

Our involvement in this wonderful program has afforded us the opportunity to hire several full-time employees once the participants complete their program at our facility.

Easter Seals Vocational Rehab Program

Prospect Police Explorers

We are a proud supporter of the Prospect Police Explorers.

The Police Explorers is a youth-oriented program that allows young men and women to determine if they would like to pursue a career in law enforcement as adults by offering them actual experience and training.

In addition, the program provides the police department with more human resource opportunities, and opens a very important avenue for understanding today’s youth.

Prospect Police Explorers

Walter Camp Football Foundation

We sponsored a recent Walter Camp Football Foundation event with this ad in their event program.

Walter Camp Football Foundation was founded in 1967 to continue the work started by area native Walter Camp of selecting and honoring the outstanding college football talent playing the game across America.


Walter Camp Football Foundation

Legionaries of Christ

We donated to the Legionaries of Christ to help support their educational and spiritual programs.

Automotive Recyclers Association

Chuck and Eddie’s regularly sponsor the good work of the Automotive Recyclers Association. We recently contributed to their Defense Fund.

Visit the ARA Website

Automotive Recyclers Association